I have been so busy with work, holidays etc... that I forgot to blog! I made my first Parkin cake (I used black treacle to make it, yum!) for Bonfire night. It was lovely!!!
Je n'ai pas mis de messages sur mon blog depuis longtemps car j'etais tellement occupee! Le 5 novembre, c'etait 'Bonfire night' ici -c'est un peu comme leur fete nationale, les gens font des feux de camp dans leur jardin et il y a des feux d'artifice partout. Le gateau traditionnel pour le 5 novembre dans le Yorkshire, c'est le parkin cake. Un gateau a base de melasse, gingembre et flocons d'avoine. DELICIEUX!
Friday, 9 November 2012
Monday, 17 September 2012
La rentree des classes!!!
There were a few sunny days before the girls and I went back to our respective schools... We collected a few wild blackberries in our garden and rescued the cherry tomatoes! It is back to uniforms and packed lunches... I am totally embracing British culture, aren't I?
C'etait la rentree des classes. Voila les filles en uniforme scolaire (robe en vichy rouge pour les jours ensoleilles, pas mal du tout!) et leurs petits sacs isotherme pour mettre leurs sandwiches pour le dejeuner! Plus British que ca, on ne fait pas!
Friday, 31 August 2012
Souvenirs de vacances...
The girls tuned 6, we watched Big Eyes play in a park, we went to Nice, I went to Paris (without the children!), we had our usual day trips to Italy...
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
We had a little trip to the sanctuary of Laghet, up in the hills, to escape the heat from Nice.
The walls are covered with ex-votos.When local people survived an accident or an illness, they would bring a picture, an embroidery etc... Some are just beautiful. We are still in my country, yeah!
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Here's my third Hermann cake... This dough was originally given to me by my friend Meriel, passed on to Heather who passed it on to someone else who passed it back to Heather who passed it back to me... We're not scared of germs!!! I used wholemeal flour and it is absolutely delicious. I couldn't find anyone who wanted the rest of the dough so I kept it for myself to make another Hermann.
I need to explain about Hermann for my French friends: Hermann est un gateau a base de levain qu'il faut melanger tous les jours et 'nourrir' de lait, farine et sucre a des moments donnes. Au bout du dixieme jour, il faut partager la pate en 4, trouver 3 amis qui veulent faire un Hermann et puis, ajouter des ingredients a la pate qu'on a garde (beaucoup de cannelle et des pommes) avant de le mettre au four. C'est tres hippie comme concept! Je me demande si ca se fait beaucoup en France... En tout cas, le gateau est vraiment delicieux!
It is raining, and raining, and raining... in the North of England!!!
Friday, 22 June 2012
Yeah Yeah Yeah
The night before the school fair, the Middle-ones played at the red house pub. Yeah Yeah Yeah. They were on tour with Jack Lewis. Anna and Grace sung on one of his songs and I LOVED it!!! You can look here as they videoed the song during the tour. The next morning, I made them cross the road to the school summer fair! Grace got one of my men brooches and Maddy got her face painted and I sold one of my new prints. It was Maddy who suggested the star... I think it looks nice.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Seagulls, sea, rain, mussels, seashells, salted caramels...
Trouville, Deauville, Honfleur...
It's nearly the summer holidays so I don't feel too sad to be back...
On Saturday is Carfield School Summer Fair. So, I've been busy...
Some new linocuts soon...
Friday, 18 May 2012
Il pleut des chats et chiens!
I haven't forgotten about my blog...
I have just been busy, busy...
I wonder if all the flowers on this tree have fallen down since Easter...
It has been raining so much since we've been back from Nice.
But I feel spoilt because I love the rain!
I have just been busy, busy...
I wonder if all the flowers on this tree have fallen down since Easter...
It has been raining so much since we've been back from Nice.
But I feel spoilt because I love the rain!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Monday, 9 April 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
"J'ai 5 ans. Je suis Maddy. J'adore faire caca."
I made a dress adapting a pattern I had, by adding a round collar. I never did one and kind of made it up as I went along, remembering what I had read in books. It turned out well. Phew! And I love the dress!
Reetsweet was a success! Thank you if you came!
Friday, 24 February 2012

I have spent the morning going around Netheredge and Sharrowvale Road advertising for this craft fair. Please spread the word!
I have finally finished this doll! It is a belated Christmas present for a little girl. The pattern is from Wee Wonderfuls. I thought the doll looked a little like my mother on the photo behind...
Monday, 23 January 2012
Vive le weekend!
After everyone having their hair trimmed, we headed to cafe ceres this weekend.
I just LOVE the place. It's so ideal for drawing upstairs in the morning.
Everyone got busy "building a house" while I was trying to take photos of one of my screenprinted bags for the folksy shop...
I wasn't very successful and will have to take more pictures.
You can always drop me an e-mail or grab me after school drop-off if you are desperate for one of these bags!
Or you can just think 'What a silly idea'... Someone said I wouldn't sell many because so many people hate public transport... I just love being on the bus, the train...
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