Monday, 23 January 2012

Vive le weekend!

After everyone having their hair trimmed, we headed to cafe ceres this weekend.
I just LOVE the place. It's so ideal for drawing upstairs in the morning.

Everyone got busy "building a house" while I was trying to take photos of one of my screenprinted bags for the folksy shop...

I wasn't very successful and will have to take more pictures.
You can always drop me an e-mail or grab me after school drop-off if you are desperate for one of these bags!
Or you can just think 'What a silly idea'... Someone said I wouldn't sell many because so many people hate public transport... I just love being on the bus, the train...

Friday, 6 January 2012

Bonne annee!

Heavens To Betsy had her stall opposite mine at the Clifford School fair -such a lovely view!

At Carfield School, I took a few prints and fanzines to sell...

And made some cakes... They sold so well!

I made the girls some dresses for our new year eve's party -using this beautiful book.

A linocut called "coffee coffee".

A very busy couple of months and no time to blog!
I decided I wanted to blog more often... I actually like it!